Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy is not taught formally in India.

Sukrut is the only institution in India offering personal psychoanalysis and inter-subjective education for the development of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists.

The Inward Change Conference (ICC) was launched in 2003 – as a 03-phase residential internship. Drawing on Carl Rogers and depth psychotherapy, the
internships offer an evolutionary understanding of feelings as an innate and adaptive system in which humans survive and thrive. This initiative has morphed into a psychoanalytic movement and pulls in psychologists, as well as academic psychotherapists and psychoanalysts.

Borrowing from Stolorow and Atwood to curate an inter-subjective perspective in the larger relational system in which psychological phenomena crystallize, and in which experience is continually and mutually shaped, the language in Sukrut is thus one of interacting subjectivities, reciprocal mutual influence, colliding organizing principles, conjunctions and disjunctions, attunements and mal- attunements – a vocabulary attempting to capture the endlessly shifting, inter- subjective context of intra-psychic experience – in the psychoanalytic situation, in the course of psychological development, and in psychodynamic consulting to organizations. Sukrut’s inter-subjective curriculum seeks to comprehend psychological phenomena not as products of isolated intra-psychic mechanisms, but as forming at the interface of reciprocally interacting worlds of experience. Psychological phenomena cannot be understood apart from the inter- subjective contexts in which they take form (Stolorow, R. and Atwood, G. 1992. Contexts of Being: The Inter-subjective Foundations of Psychological Life. Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press).

Interns who move beyond Phase 1 of the Inward Change Conference (ICC) commit another four years of immersion in psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Consequently, mandatory attendance is required in all parts of an Intersubjective Study curriculum, conducted online during the intervening months after Phase 1, and the months between Phase 2 and Phase 3 of ICC.

A Sukrut-trained Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist belongs to a cadre of professionals competent in:

  • the diagnosis of the human condition, and offer relief and cure from personal stress and anguish,
  • the diagnosis of the psychodynamics of business and organization,
  • facilitating events in ICC and Group Relations,

but above all

  • offer solutions from their deep intellectual understanding of and empathy with the Indian ethos, which is different from the ethos and preoccupations of Western psychoanalytic traditions.

Please ask for a brochure of Sukrut’s Inward Change Conference and The India Conference to know more.

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